Third-Party Support
Technical Info
Third-Party Support
While the majority of the components, directives, pipes, and services used in Responsive UI were built by Jack Henry, we also support the following curated list of third-party components. Only the third-party components listed below are currently supported in Responsive UI.
- Complex Grid (Angular): ag-grid-angular
Angular Split
- Fixed Layout Splitter: as-split, as-split-area
- Charts: chart.js
- WYSIWYG HTML Editor: jodit-editor
jQuery Sparkline
- Sparklines: jQuery Sparkline
- Pagination: pagination
- Typeahead: typeahead-container
- Calendar: p-calendar
- Checkbox: p-checkbox
- Context Menu: p-contextmenu
- Dropdown Input: p-dropdown
- File Upload: p-fileupload
- Masked Input: p-inputMask
- Currency/Rate Input: p-inputNumber
- MultiSelect: p-multiSelect
- Pick List: p-pickList
- Radio Button: p-radiobutton
- Steps: p-steps
- Data Grid: p-table
- Tree view: p-tree
- Tree Grid (Table): p-treeTable
Material Design
- Tags, Editing a List of Text Values: mat-chip-list, mat-chip
- Select: mat-select
- Drag and Drop: sortable
Support options
Last updated Tue Jun 6 2023