Current Release
![Gray Laptop on Table Top - Photo by Pixabay:](../images/hero-current-release.jpg)
- Angular components: You must follow this set of one-time upgrade instructions if you’ve been importing the
package until now. - Web components: You must follow this set of one-time upgrade instructions if you’ve been importing the
package until now.
Prerequisites for loading the 8.x release
Release notes
Removed ngx-bootstrap as dependency on @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular package. While our package no longer relies on ngx-bootstrap, if your project does you will now need to add it to the dependency list within your package.json as it will no longer be installed automatically as a dependency on @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular.
Created new jha/rui-header-dropdown-submenu components to allow fly out submenus in header dropdown.
Moved jha/rui-display-block expand/collapse button next to title to avoid conflict with back-to-top button and for a better UI experience
Added jhaIsDisabled/isDisabled property to jha/rui-header-button, jha/rui-header-dropdown, jha/rui-header-mega-menu, jha/rui-nav-button, jha-nav-dropdown and jha/rui-nav-mega-menu.
Updated routing logic in jha-app to resolve issues with relative paths when using Path location strategy
Updated jha/rui-button-menu-option to hide parent dropdown menu when element is clicked and it’s not a route change/href
Updated jha-button-menu-option to correctly route jhaRouterLinks when using hash location strategy
Added focusExpandCollapseBtn method to rui-display-block to allow programmatic focus of expand/collapse button
Added themed styling support for AG Grid sidebar
Added custom label slot to rui-record-detail-field. To use, create a new label element with slot=“custom-record-detail-label”.
Updated isHidden logic for jha/rui-header and jha/rui-nav to capture and correctly handle updates without page refresh
Updated styles for jha/rui-button-group to support single option button groups (though this should be avoided if possible)
Updated logic for rui-focus-trap to avoid race condition when referencing shadowRoot
Updated active option login in rui-button-group(-option) to correctly apply active state if options are updated after initial view load
Corrected icon styling for jha/rui-button-group-option when jhaIsActive/isActive is set to true
Updated miscellaneous styling for jha/rui-button, jha/rui-split-button and jha/rui-toggle-button
Resolved issue with jha-toggle not propagating value changes correctly
Updating event timing in jha/rui-popup-button to resolve issue of inconsistent event timing
Added null check to jha-button to resolve error when no parent is present
Added null check to rui-function-view to resolve error when no isBusy backdrop is present
Updated jha/rui-button to correctly submit form when type is set to submit
Updated CSS for select.(rui-)form-control to resolve dropdown menu background issue in Windows
Updated CSS for jha/rui-display-block to correct bottom/right borders when in fixed layout mode
Updated rui-master-list-option events to resolve active option issue when multiple lists are present
Adjusted jha/rui-group-box content area styles to use up available height when in fixed layout mode
Updated CSS on some PrimeNG and Angular Material Design inputs for consistency
Updated CSS for modal borders to resolve issue with Terminal theme
Added –rui-modal-title-bg CSS var for modals
Updated styles for p-treeselect to correct changes in PrimeNG CSS
Previous releases
You can find a list of archives of this documentation site for previous releases here.
Note that:
- Enhancements are only added to the next upcoming release that we’re working towards. Enhancements will not be added to previous releases.
- Bug fixes will be provided for previous releases that were published up to one year prior to the date of the bug report.
- After that you’ll need to move to a more current release.
- For now, all prior releases will remain available for installation from the npm server and will not be removed.
- We’ll keep archived copies of the Responsive UI site available for the last three calendar years.