Responsive UI - v9.1

Header Title

Components > Application Layout > Header Title
Use this component to...
Display your application title in the left side of your application header


Use the header title component to display your application title in your app header.

Only add the header title to the left side of the header.

Using an SVG image for the app title

If you have an SVG with your application logo, you can display that in the left side instead of a title.

See Themed SVG Images for more information on properly styling the SVG.


Web component development

Component reference

Module: rui-header - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Your application title; displays in left side of header bar


This specifies the title displayed in the header for your application. This value displays at desktop and tablet size.

It also displays at mobile size unless you specify an alternate title for mobile size with the mobileTitleText property.


This optional property allows you to specify an alternate title that displays at mobile size. This can be useful when the titleText is too large to fit at mobile size. You’ll typically specify a shorter mobile title than the value you specify for titleText.

If you don’t specify a value for mobileTitleText, the titleText value displays.


Begin by importing the rui-header module into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import '@jkhy/responsive-ui-wc/components/rui-header/rui-header-imports';

Nest a rui-header-title tag in the left side of your header to display your application name as simple text. This tag has a titleText attribute; specify your application name here.

The example below displays the application title in the left side of the header. It provides a shorter version of the application title for display in mobile.

Using the component
<!-- Header: Defines application name and admin options that display in header -->
<rui-header [displaySearch]="true" searchWidth="50%" searchWatermarkText="SEARCH" (rui-header-search)="search($event)">

    <!-- Left side -->
    <rui-header-left [displayBackButton]="displayBackButton" (rui-back-button-click)="backButtonClicked()">

        <rui-header-title titleText="My Application - version 2.2" mobileTitleText="My Application"></rui-header-title>


    <!-- Right side -->

        <!-- Right side content -->



Angular wrapper development

Wrapper reference

Module: JhaHeaderModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Your application title; displays in left side of header bar


This specifies the title displayed in the header for your application. This value displays at desktop and tablet size.

It also displays at mobile size unless you specify an alternate title for mobile size with the jhaPhoneTitle property.


This optional property allows you to specify an alternate title that displays at mobile size. This can be useful when the jhaTitle is too large to fit at mobile size. You’ll typically specify a shorter mobile title than the value you specify for jhaTitle.

If you don’t specify a value for jhaPhoneTitle, the jhaTitle value displays.


Begin by importing the JhaHeaderModule into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import { JhaHeaderModule } from '@jkhy/responsive-ui-angular/jha-header';

    imports: [JhaHeaderModule,...]

export class AppModule(){}

Nest a jha-header-title tag in the left side of your header to display your application name as simple text. This tag has a jhaTitle attribute; specify your application name here.

The example below displays the application title in the left side of the header. It provides a shorter version of the application title for display in mobile.

Using the component
<!-- Header: Defines application name and admin options that display in header -->
<jha-header [jhaIsHidden]="hideHeader" jhaDisplaySearch="true" jhaSearchWidth="50%"
    jhaSearchWatermarkText="SEARCH" (jhaSearch)="search($event)">

    <!-- Left side -->
    <jha-header-left [jhaDisplayBackButton]="displayBackButton" (jhaBackButtonClicked)="backButtonClicked()">

        <jha-header-title jhaTitle="MyBranch"></jha-header-title>


    <!-- Right side -->

        <!-- Right side content -->



Component playground


Figma design

Figma design info
You can find this component in the Components - Application Layout page in the Figma UI Kit.
Dev ComponentDesign Component Name
Header bar

RUI / Header / Header Bar

The app title is a sub-element in the header bar, so change it within that component.

Adobe XD design

Adobe XD design info
You can find this component in these artboards in the Adobe XD design samples:
  • Layout - Header, Expanded Nav, Function View
  • Layout - Header, Collapsed Nav, Function View
  • Layout - Nav Elements - Expanded Nav Bar
  • Layout - Nav Elements - Collapsed Nav Bar
  • Layout - Nav Mega Menu
  • Layout - Header Elements – Basics
  • Layout - Header Menu Buttons
  • Layout - Header Mega Menu
  • Layout - Mobile Application
  • Layout - Tablet Application – Portrait
  • Layout - Tablet Application - Landscape
Dev ComponentDesign Component Name
Header bar

JHA / Header / Header Bar

The app title is a sub-element in the header bar, so change it within that component.

Support options
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Last updated Mon May 1 2023