Responsive UI - v9.1

Group Box

Components > Content Layout > Group Box
Use this component to...
Partition display block content into nested containers


Display blocks are the top-level visual containers for the content in your views. Most views work well with the single level of containership and organization that display blocks provide.

But some views are complex enough to warrant yet another level of organization of the data within their display blocks. Group boxes offer this secondary level of containership and organization, within display blocks. Each group box has a title, with its content displayed below that.

Group boxes are used to further organize content within a display block. You can place group boxes as top-level children within the display block or you can nest group boxes within a tab component. But you should not place group boxes anywhere outside of a display block, in dialog boxes, in toolbars, or anywhere else other than inside a display block.

Do not nest a group box within another group box
If you feel like your view needs more than two levels of this kind of container, it might be a good idea to look at simplifying the UI for this view.

You can present multiple group boxes within the same display block. You can lay out multiple group boxes in a display block using either responsive layout or fixed layout.

Unlike display blocks, you must always set a title for each group box.

If you have buttons or other elements that apply only to the data within one specific group box, you can optionally include a toolbar within that group box. Group box toolbars display below the group box title.

Group boxes can operate in one of three different modes: simple, expandable, and accordion. Each of these modes is discussed below.

Simple group boxes

Simple group boxes display a header, with their content below that.

Here is a simple group box. It displays a header with its content below.

Expandable group boxes

Expandable group boxes display a header and content just like simple group boxes, but they also allow the user to dynamically hide and show the content by clicking on the group box header. Clicking the header toggles between the expanded and collapsed states. The header displays an icon that indicates the expanded/collapsed state. Expandable group boxes can be initially displayed in either the expanded or collapsed state.

Here is an expandable group box, shown in the collapsed state.
Here is an expandable group box, shown in the expanded state.

Accordion group boxes

Accordion group boxes are a collection of expandable group boxes where no more than one group box is open at a time. All accordion group boxes in the collection can be collapsed, but only one group box in the collection can be expanded at a time. Expanding an accordion group box will automatically collapse all other accordion group boxes in the collection.

A view can include more than one collection of accordion group boxes if needed. Your app defines which accordion group boxes are part of which collection. If you include multiple collections of accordion group boxes, they should typically appear in different display blocks to help the user better understand the groupings.

Here is a collection of accordion group boxes, with the first group box initially expanded. Note that when you expand a different accordion group box, this automatically collapses all other accordion group boxes in the collection
Content Content Content

Fixed layout for group boxes

If you’re using fixed layout for group boxes, you must use simple group boxes in order to get the proper layout. Expandable and accordion group boxes are not supported in fixed layout.

Here’s an example of fixed layout for three group boxes in a display block. You can only use simple group boxes with fixed layout.
Content Content Content


Web component development

Component reference

Module: rui-layout - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Group boxes are an optional secondary level of visual containers for the content within display blocks. Each display block may include one or more group boxes.

titleTextstring''Title displayed in the group box header. This is required.
subtitleTextstring''Optional subtitle displayed at the top-right of the group box. You should not use a subtitle without a title.
isExpandablebooleanfalseSet this to true if the user should be able to collapse and expand the group box content. This includes accordion group boxes. Leave this at its default value of false if you don’t need expand/collapse behavior or if you’re using fixed layout for this group box.

Specifies whether an expandable group box is initially expanded.

This value is updated internally when the user expands or collapses the group box, independent of the initial value set by your application. If you need to track the group box’s expanded/collapsed state in your code, then handle the rui-is-expanded-change event to store the updated value passed in the event detail into the backing boolean value in your controller.

containsErrorbooleanfalseSet this to true if this group box contains one or more inputs that are in an error state. The group box displays error styling when this property is true.
accordionGroupstring''If this is an accordion group box, assign the same value for this property to all group boxes in the same accordion collection. The actual value you use doesn’t matter, it just has to be the same for all group boxes in the same accordion collection.
accordionIdstring''If this is an accordion group box, assign a unique value for this property to all group boxes in the same accordion collection. The actual value you use doesn’t matter, it just has to be unique within all group boxes in the same accordion collection.
isBusybooleanfalseDisplays a busy indicator within the group box when set to true. Set this to true if the data within the group box is currently being loaded, false otherwise. The busy indicator does not display for expandable group boxes that are collapsed.
busyTextstring''Text displayed below the spinning busy indicator when isBusy is true.
rui-is-expanded-changeeventEvent fired when the isExpanded property value changes. The new property value is passed as the event detail.
isFullHeightbooleanfalseBy default, group boxes are auto height, meaning they take their height from their content. Set isFullHeight to a value of true when you need the group box to take 100% of its parent’s height, such as in fixed layout.


Begin by importing the rui-layout module into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import '@jkhy/responsive-ui-wc/components/rui-layout/rui-layout-imports';

Implementing simple group boxes

Use the rui-group-box tag to create a group box. Nest the group box content within the opening and closing rui-group-box tags.

Simple group box example
<rui-group-box titleText="Accounts">

    <!-- Group box content goes here -->


Implementing expandable group boxes

If the user should be able to collapse and expand the group box content, set the isExpandable property to true. You can optionally have an expandable group box display initially expanded by setting the isExpanded property to true.

Expandable group box example
<rui-group-box titleText="Accounts" [isExpandable]="true" [isExpanded]="true">

    <!-- Group box content goes here -->


If you need to track the group box’s expanded/collapsed state in your code, then handle the rui-is-expanded-change event to store the updated value passed in the event detail into the backing boolean value in your controller.

Expandable group box that tracks expanded/collapsed state
<rui-group-box titleText="Accounts" [isExpandable]="true" [isExpanded]="accountsGroupBoxExpanded"
    (rui-is-expanded-change)="accountsGroupBoxExpanded = $event.detail">

    <!-- Group box content goes here -->


Implementing accordion group boxes

To create a collection of accordion group boxes, where no more than one group box in the collection can be expanded at a time, set the isExpandable property to true for each group box, assign the same value to the accordionGroup property for each group box in the collection, and assign a unique value to the accordionId property for each group box in the collection. You can optionally have one of the group boxes in the collection be initially expanded by setting its isExpanded property to true.

Accordion group box example
<rui-group-box titleText="Accordion Group Box 1" accordionGroup="GROUPA" accordionId="1" [isExpandable]="true" [jhaIsExpanded]="true">

<rui-group-box titleText="Accordion Group Box 2" accordionGroup="GROUPA" accordionId="2" [isExpandable]="true">

<rui-group-box titleText="Accordion Group Box 3" accordionGroup="GROUPA" accordionId="3" [isExpandable]="true">

Implementing fixed layout for group boxes

See the fixed layout development doc for info on how to set up fixed layout for group boxes.

Angular wrapper development

Wrapper reference

Module: JhaLayoutModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Group boxes are an optional secondary level of visual containers for the content within display blocks. Each display block may include one or more group boxes.

jhaTitlestring''Title displayed in the group box header. This is required.
jhaSubtitlestring''Optional subtitle displayed at the top-right of the group box. You should not use a subtitle without a title.
jhaIsExpandablebooleanfalseSet this to true if the user should be able to collapse and expand the group box content. This includes accordion group boxes. Leave this at its default value of false if you don’t need expand/collapse behavior or if you’re using fixed layout for this group box.

Specifies whether an expandable group box is initially expanded.

This value is updated automatically when the user expands or collapses the group box. If you need to track the group box’s expanded/collapsed state in code, then use two-way binding to bind this to a boolean value in your TypeScript. If you don’t need to track the expanded/collapsed state, then simply provide a true or false value.

jhaContainsErrorbooleanfalseSet this to true if this group box contains one or more inputs that are in an error state. The group box displays error styling when this property is true.
jhaAccordionGroupstring''If this is an accordion group box, assign the same value for this property to all group boxes in the same accordion collection. The actual value you use doesn’t matter, it just has to be the same for all group boxes in the same accordion collection.
jhaAccordionIdstring''If this is an accordion group box, assign a unique value for this property to all group boxes in the same accordion collection. The actual value you use doesn’t matter, it just has to be unique within all group boxes in the same accordion collection.
jhaIsBusybooleanfalseDisplays a busy indicator within the group box when set to true. Set this to true if the data within the group box is currently being loaded, false otherwise. The busy indicator does not display for expandable group boxes that are collapsed.
jhaBusyTextstring''Text displayed below the spinning busy indicator when jhaIsBusy is true.
jhaIsExpandedChangeeventEvent fired when the jhaIsExpanded property value changes. Use this event if you need to update anything in your TypeScript whenever this value changes.


Begin by importing JhaLayoutModule and BrowserAnimationsModule into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import { JhaLayoutModule } from '@jkhy/responsive-ui-angular/jha-layout';
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';

    imports: [

export class AppModule(){}

Implementing simple group boxes

Use the jha-group-box tag to create a group box. Nest the group box content within the opening and closing jha-group-box tags.

Simple group box example
<jha-group-box jhaTitle="Accounts">

    <!-- Group box content goes here -->


Implementing expandable group boxes

If the user should be able to collapse and expand the group box content, set the jhaIsExpandable property to true. You can optionally have an expandable group box display initially expanded by setting the jhaIsExpanded property to true.

Expandable group box example
<jha-group-box jhaTitle="Accounts" [jhaIsExpandable]="true" [jhaIsExpanded]="true">

    <!-- Group box content goes here -->


If you need to track the group box’s expanded/collapsed state in code, then use two-way binding on the jhaIsExpanded property to bind this to a boolean value in your TypeScript. There is also a jhaIsExpandedChange event for the rare case where you need to update anything else in your TypeScript whenever the jhaIsExpanded value changes (not shown here).

Expandable group box that tracks expanded/collapsed state
<jha-group-box jhaTitle="Accounts" [jhaIsExpandable]="true" [(jhaIsExpanded)]="accountsGroupBoxExpanded">

    <!-- Group box content goes here -->


Implementing accordion group boxes

To create a collection of accordion group boxes, where no more than one group box in the collection can be expanded at a time, set the jhaIsExpandable property to true for each group box, assign the same value to the jhaAccordionGroup property for each group box in the collection, and assign a unique value to the jhaAccordionId property for each group box in the collection. You can optionally have one of the group boxes in the collection be initially expanded by setting its jhaIsExpanded property to true.

Accordion group box example
<jha-group-box jhaTitle="Accordion Group Box 1" jhaAccordionGroup="GROUPA" jhaAccordionId="1" [jhaIsExpandable]="true"

<jha-group-box jhaTitle="Accordion Group Box 2" jhaAccordionGroup="GROUPA" jhaAccordionId="2" [jhaIsExpandable]="true">

<jha-group-box jhaTitle="Accordion Group Box 3" jhaAccordionGroup="GROUPA" jhaAccordionId="3" [jhaIsExpandable]="true">

Implementing fixed layout for group boxes

See the fixed layout development doc for info on how to set up fixed layout for group boxes.

Component playground


Figma design

Figma design info
You can find this component in the Components - Content Layout page in the Figma UI Kit.
Dev ComponentDesign Component Name
Group box - fixed

RUI / Layout / Group Box

Available values for the Layout property:

  • Fixed
  • Expanded
  • Collapsed

Turn on the Contains Error property to show the group box when it contains a validation error.

Group box subtitleAdd text, then apply rui/regular as the Text Style and rui-pacific/content-subtitle as the Color Style.

After adding a group box to your design, resize it and change the title in its header to an appropriate value.

Adobe XD design

Adobe XD design info
You can find this component in these artboards in the Adobe XD design samples:
  • Sample App - Group Box
  • Sample App - Content Layout
Dev ComponentDesign Component Name
Group box - fixedJHA / Layout / Group Box / Fixed
Group box - expandedJHA / Layout / Group Box / Expanded
Group box - collapsedJHA / Layout / Group Box / Collapsed
Group box subtitleAdd text and apply the “JHA / Text / Display Block Subtitle” character style.

It can be helpful to lock the group box component while you drag other components onto it.

After adding a group box to your design, resize it and change the title in its header to an appropriate value.

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Last updated Mon May 1 2023