Content Layout
Well Components
Content Layout
Use this component to...
Visually highlight a small block of text or record detail
See this component in action...
On this page... Overview Development Web component development Component reference Implementation Angular wrapper development Wrapper reference Implementation Component playground Design Figma design Adobe XD design
Overview Use the well pattern to visually highlight a small block of text or record detail within a display block .
The well element is only themed to support text or record detail elements. It should not contain other elements.
The well element has a relatively heavy visual footprint , so it should be used sparingly .
This short block of text is displayed within a well
Powder chocolate sweet candy canes pie. Halvah chocolate jelly jelly beans sugar plum. Cheesecake ice cream
sweet roll toffee brownie shortbread.
Development Web component development Component reference rui-well rui-well
Module: rui-layout
Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc
The well element can be used to contain a small block of text or record detail (but no other elements) within a display block.
No properties or events
Implementation Begin by importing the rui-layout
module into your application.
// import into app.module
import '@jkhy/responsive-ui-wc/components/rui-layout/rui-layout-imports' ;
Wrap text or record detail content in a rui-well
< rui-well >
Powder chocolate sweet candy canes pie. Halvah chocolate jelly jelly beans sugar plum. Cheesecake ice cream sweet roll
toffee brownie shortbread.
</ rui-well >
Angular wrapper development Wrapper reference jha-well jha-well
Module: JhaLayoutModule
Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular
The well element can be used to contain a small block of text or record detail (but no other elements) within a display block.
No properties or events
Implementation Begin by importing the JhaLayoutModule
module into your application.
// import into app.module
import { JhaLayoutModule } from '@jkhy/responsive-ui-angular/jha-layout' ;
@ NgModule ({
imports : [
JhaLayoutModule ,
export class AppModule (){}
Wrap text or record detail content in a jha-well
< jha-well >
Powder chocolate sweet candy canes pie. Halvah chocolate jelly jelly beans sugar plum. Cheesecake ice cream sweet roll
toffee brownie shortbread.
</ jha-well >
Component playground Design Figma design You can find this component in the
Components - Content Layout page in the Figma UI Kit.
Dev Component Design Component Name Well RUI / Layout / Well
First add a well component to the artboard.
Then layer text and/or record detail elements above the well element. Size the well element to fit the content.
Adobe XD design You can find this component in these artboards in the Adobe XD design samples:
Sample App - Content Layout Dev Component Design Component Name Well JHA / Layout / Well
First add a well component to the artboard.
Then layer text and/or record detail elements above the well element. Size the well element to fit the content.
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Last updated Mon May 1 2023