Responsive UI - v9.1

Record Detail

Components > Displaying Data > Record Detail
Use this component to...
Partition view content into top-level containers


Use the record detail pattern to display label/value pairs for a single record or data object.

Display the field label to the left of the field value, unless the field label or value are unusually long, in which case you can display the field label above the field value.

You can optionally display a record detail subheader above a block of fields to help identify them. This subheader spans the two columns containing the field labels and values.

Record detail example
Nancy Davolio 111-22-3333 04/01/1976 Yes No 8.750% Vandelay Industries $65,000.00 Silver 123 Main St Springfield MO 65807-1234 123 Main St Springfield MO 65807-1234 417-888-9631 417-230-4581 417-626-8827 $829.40 $2,459.23 $10,000.00 $0.00


Web component development

Component reference

Module: rui-record-detail - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Outermost container for a group of record detail blocks and fields


One of “narrow”, “medium”, “wide”, and “full”.

Specifies the width of the record detail columns:

  • “narrow” = 250 pixels
  • “medium” = 350 pixels
  • “wide” = 450 pixels
  • “full” = 100%
Module: rui-record-detail - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Container for a group of related record detail fields that display together in a block

No properties or events
Module: rui-record-detail - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Displays a label and value for a record detail field

labelTextstring''Content displayed as the field label.

One of “horizontal” or “vertical”.

Determines whether field is displayed horizontally with the label and value on the same row or vertically where the label and value are stacked.

isHighlightedbooleanfalseSetting to true highlights the label and value with a distinct background color.
isValueAtypicalbooleanfalseSetting to true highlights the value with a distinct foreground color. This is used to bring attention to the value if it falls outside of a range that is typically expected.
Module: rui-record-detail - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Displays a subheader above a group of record detail fields

textstring''Text displayed in the subheader
Module: rui-record-detail - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Displays a space between a group of record detail fields

No properties or events


Begin by importing the rui-record-detail module into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import '@jkhy/responsive-ui-wc/components/rui-record-detail/rui-record-detail-imports';

Record details consists of a wrapper, blocks, subheaders, fields, and spacers.

Each record detail is bound by its container. If there are multiple record detail blocks, and the horizontal space exists, the blocks will flow left to right to take up the available space.

Record detail blocks

Groups of record detail fields are contained in blocks. Blocks will flow left to right and take up any available horizontal space. Record detail block contain subheaders, fields and spacers.

  • Start with a rui-record-detail component as the outer wrapper.
  • Create a rui-record-detail-block for each group of record detail fields you wish to display.
Record detail blocks





Wide and narrow record detail columns

By default, rui-record-detail displays each record detail column at a moderate fixed width.

  • If you need wider columns — say your field labels or field values are extra long — you can set the width property to wide.
  • If you need narrower columns, you can set the width property to narrow.
  • If your blocks are stacked in a narrow container and having them expand the full width of the container works best, set the width property to full.
Record detail with wide columns
<rui-record-detail width="wide"></rui-record-detail>

Record detail fields

Each record detail field contains both a label and a value.

  • Specify the field label using the labelText property. The CSS automatically suffixes the field label with a colon. Do not add a colon or other delimiter (including a question mark) to the end of the field label.
  • Display the field value as content between the rui-record-detail-field opening/closing tags. The value is right-justified.
  • You can optionally bind the isValueAtypical to true if the value is atypical and needs attention.
  • You can also optionally bind the isHighlighted to true to call attention to both the label and value in this field.
Record detail field - horizontal layout
<rui-record-detail-field labelText="Name">{{customerName}}</rui-record-detail-field>

If the field’s label or value are unusually long and/or the value shouldn’t wrap, you can set orientation to vertical to force the value to display on its own line; this also left-justifies the field value.

Record detail field - vertical layout
<rui-record-detail-field labelText="Email" orientation="vertical">{{customerEmail}}</rui-record-detail-field>

Record detail subheaders

A record detail subheader can optionally appear at the top of a block of fields, helping the user understand the high-level sections in the record detail.

Each subheader should be contained within a rui-record-detail-block. Specify the subheader text using the text property.

Record detail subheader
<rui-record-detail-subheader text="Customer Information"></rui-record-detail-subheader>

The rui-record-detail-subheader also contains a slot to allow the addition of an rui-info-tooltip if additional information is required.

Record detail subheader
<rui-record-detail-subheader text="Customer Information">
    <rui-info-tooltip location="left">
        This is an info tooltip.

Record detail spacers

To separate different blocks of fields within the same record detail column, add a rui-record-detail-spacer.

Record detail spacer

Angular wrapper development

Wrapper reference

Module: JhaRecordDetailModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Outermost container for a group of record detail blocks and fields

No properties or events
Module: JhaRecordDetailModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Container for a group of related record detail fields that display together in a block


One of “Narrow”, “Medium”, “Wide”, and “Full”.

Specifies the width of the block:

  • “Narrow” = 250 pixels
  • “Medium” = 350 pixels
  • “Wide” = 450 pixels
  • “Full” = 100%
Module: JhaRecordDetailModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Displays a label and value for a record detail field

jhaLabelstring''Content displayed as the field label.

One of “Horizontal” or “Vertical”.

Determines whether field is displayed horizontally with the label and value on the same row or vertically where the label and value are stacked.

jhaIsHighlightedbooleanfalseSetting to true highlights the label and value with a distinct background color.
jhaIsValueAtypicalbooleanfalseSetting to true highlights the value with a distinct foreground color. This is used to bring attention to the value if it falls outside of a range that is typically expected.
Module: JhaRecordDetailModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Displays a subheader above a group of record detail fields

jhaTextstring''Text displayed in the subheader
Module: JhaRecordDetailModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Displays a space between a group of record detail fields

No properties or events


Begin by importing the JhaRecordDetailModule module into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import { JhaRecordDetailModule } from '@jkhy/responsive-ui-angular/jha-record-detail';

    imports: [

export class AppModule(){}

Record details consists of a wrapper, blocks, subheaders, fields, and spacers.

Each record detail is bound by its container. If there are multiple record detail blocks, and the horizontal space exists, the blocks will flow left to right to take up the available space.

Record detail blocks

Groups of record detail fields are contained in blocks. Blocks will flow left to right and take up any available horizontal space. Record detail block contain subheaders, fields and spacers.

  • Start with a jha-record-detail component as the outer wrapper.
  • Create a jha-record-detail-block for each group of record detail fields you wish to display.
Record detail blocks





Wide and narrow record detail columns

By default, jha-record-detail-block displays each record detail column at a moderate fixed width.

  • If you need wider columns — say your field labels or field values are extra long — you can set the jhaWidth property to Wide.
  • If you need narrower columns, you can set the jhaWidth property to Narrow.
  • If your blocks are stacked in a narrow container and having them expand the full width of the container works best, set the jhaWidth property to Full.
Record detail with wide columns
<jha-record-detail-block jhaWidth="Wide"></jha-record-detail-block>

Record detail fields

Each record detail field contains both a label and a value.

  • Specify the field label using the jhaLabel property. The CSS automatically suffixes the field label with a colon. Do not add a colon or other delimiter (including a question mark) to the end of the field label.
  • Display the field value as content between the jha-record-detail-field opening/closing tags. If necessary, use Angular pipes for formatting data appropriately. The value is right-justified.
  • You can optionally bind the jhaIsValueAtypical to true if the value is atypical and needs attention.
  • You can also optionally bind the jhaIsHighlighted to true to call attention to both the label and value in this field.
Record detail field - horizontal layout
<jha-record-detail-field jhaLabel="Name">Nancy Davolio</jha-record-detail-field>

If the field’s label or value are unusually long and/or the value shouldn’t wrap, you can set jhaOrientation to Vertical to force the value to display on its own line; this also left-justifies the field value.

Record detail field - vertical layout
<jha-record-detail-field jhaLabel="Email" jhaOrientation="Vertical"></jha-record-detail-field>

Record detail subheaders

A record detail subheader can optionally appear at the top of a block of fields, helping the user understand the high-level sections in the record detail.

Each subheader should be contained within a jha-record-detail-block. Specify the subheader text using the jhaText property.

Record detail subheader
<jha-record-detail-subheader jhaText="Customer Information"></jha-record-detail-subheader>

Record detail spacers

To separate different blocks of fields within the same record detail column, add a jha-record-detail-spacer.

Record detail spacer

Component playground


Figma design

Figma design info
You can find this component in the Components - Record Detail page in the Figma UI Kit.
Dev ComponentDesign Component Name
Record detail field labelAdd text and apply the “rui-regular” text style and “rui-pacific/text-regular” color style. Suffix the field label text with a colon.
Record detail field valueAdd text and apply the “rui-semibold” text style and “rui-pacific/text-bright” color style. Right-justify the text and position it to the right of the field label, unless this a “long” field value, in which case you should left-justify the text and place it below the field label. Long field values are the exception, not the rule.
Record detail 'atypical' field valueAdd text and apply the “rui-semibold” text style and “rui-pacific/text-error” color style. Right-justify the text and position it to the right of the field label, unless this a “long” field value, in which case you should left-justify the text and place it below the field label. Long field values are the exception, not the rule.
Record detail subheaderRUI / Record Detail / Subheader
Record detail field highlight

RUI / Record Detail / Field Highlight

Place this below the field label and field value in the Layers panel, then stretch it to fully fit below both.

Every record detail field label must include a colon suffix.

Each record detail column should be 350 pixels wide. Separate record detail columns by 66 pixels horizontally.

Adobe XD design

Adobe XD design info
You can find this component in these artboards in the Adobe XD design samples:
  • Sample App - Record Detail
Dev ComponentDesign Component Name
Record detail field labelAdd text and apply the “JHA / Text / Regular” character style. Suffix the field label text with a colon.
Record detail field valueAdd text and apply the “JHA / Text / Bright” character style. Right-justify the text and position it to the right of the field label, unless this a “long” field value, in which case you should left-justify the text and place it below the field label. Long field values are the exception, not the rule.
Record detail 'atypical' field valueAdd text and apply the “JHA / Text / Error” character style. Right-justify the text and position it to the right of the field label, unless this a “long” field value, in which case you should left-justify the text and place it below the field label. Long field values are the exception, not the rule.
Record detail subheaderJHA / Record Detail / Subheader
Record detail field highlight

JHA / Record Detail / Field Highlight

Place this below the field label and field value in the Layers panel, then stretch it to fully fit below both.

Every record detail field label must include a colon suffix.

Each record detail column should be 350 pixels wide. Separate record detail columns by 66 pixels horizontally.

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Last updated Tue Sep 12 2023