Responsive UI - v9.1


Components > Editing Data > Checkbox
Use this component to...
Prompt the user for one or more true/false values


Use the checkbox component to prompt the user for one or more Boolean (true/false) values.

In Responsive UI, we primarily use checkboxes for editing Boolean fields in a form, where the form is posted with a Save button. The user typically must take a separate action — i.e. pressing the Save button — for the checkbox state to take effect in the system.

Single Checkbox for a Form Field

When you have a single checkbox for a field in a form, place the field label in the left column and the checkbox input in the right column. This keeps all field labels on the left and all field value editors on the right, a standard previously established by the UI Committee. The checkbox displays without a label directly to the right of it since its field label is already displayed in the left column.

A field that displays a single checkbox, with the field label on the left and the checkbox on the right
A field that displays a single checkbox, with the field label on the left and the checkbox on the right

Multiple Checkboxes for a Form Field

A field that allows the user to select multiple options may display multiple checkboxes in the field value column on the right. The field label displays in the left column, with the checkboxes displaying in the column on the right. In addition, each checkbox displays a separate label for that individual option to the right of the checkbox. ÇThis is the only time a checkbox displays a label to its immediate right in Responsive UI.

A field that displays multiple checkboxes, with the field label on the left, the checkboxes on the right, and a sub-label next to each checkbox
A field that displays multiple checkboxes, with the field label on the left, the checkboxes on the right, and a sub-label next to each checkbox


Web component development

Component reference

Module: rui-input - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Allows the user to toggle a value on and off

valuestringnullBind this property to a backing value in your controller to set the initial value for the checkbox.
rui-value-changeeventThis event fires when the checkbox’s value changes. The new value and checked status is passed in the event detail. Reference $event.detail.value or $event.detail.checked. Use this event to update the backing value in your controller.
labelTextstringnullIf the toggle needs to be labeled, specify its label text with this property.
isCheckedbooleanfalseBind this property to true to initially check the checkbox.
isDisabledbooleanfalseSpecifies whether the toggle is disabled.
namestringnullSpecify the name of the input with this property.
inputIdstringnullTo apply a specific id to the input, use this property. Otherwise an id will be automatically generated, linking it to the label.


Begin by importing the rui-input module into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import '@jkhy/responsive-ui-wc/components/rui-input/rui-input-imports';

Single Checkbox Example

The single checkbox approach is used to set a true/false value for an individual property.

Define a field for the value in the controller, then add a rui-checkbox instance for the field in the HTML. Bind the value property to the appropriate field in the form and set the rui-value-change event to toggle the value when clicked.


Checkbox HTML with boolean value
    labelText="Account Active" 
    (rui-value-change)="acctActiveVal = !acctActiveVal">

If the value is a string, set the rui-value-change to a backing function to handle update.

Checkbox HTML with string value
    labelText="Account Active" 

Then check if checkbox is checked, and if so, update value.

String checkbox value update
public acctActiveValChange(e: any) {
    if (e.detail.checked) {
        this.ruiValue = e.detail.value;
    } else {
        this.ruiValue = '';

Multiple Checkbox Example

The multiple checkbox approach is used to select one or more options from a list.

Set up an array to iterate over for your checkbox options.

Set up checkbox options
interface AccountType {
    label: string;
    value: string;
    inactive: boolean;


public accountTypeList: AccountType[] = [
    { label: 'Checking', value: 'Checking', inactive: false },
    { label: 'Business Checking', value: 'Business-Checking', inactive: false },
    { label: 'Student Checking', value: 'Student-Checking', inactive: false },
    { label: 'Savings', value: 'Savings', inactive: false },
    { label: 'Money Market', value: 'Money-Market', inactive: false },
    { label: 'CD', value: 'CD', inactive: true },
    { label: 'IRA', value: 'IRA', inactive: false }

Add a rui-checkbox, iterating through the array setting the labelText, value, isChecked and isDisabled statuses, and set the rui-value-change event to a backing function to handle the value change.

Checkbox HTML for multiple options
    *ngFor="let accountType of accountTypeList"

Back in the TypeScript, create the model value, and set up functions to handle rui-value-change and determine isChecked.

Update model and determine checked status
public selectedAcctTypes: string[] = ['Checking','Savings'];

public accountTypeValChange(e: any) {
    if (e.detail.checked) {
    } else {
        const index = this.selectedAcctTypes.findIndex(x => x === e.detail.value);
        this.selectedAcctTypes.splice(index, 1);

public accountTypeCheckVal(e: any) {
    if (this.selectedAcctTypes.includes(e)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

Angular component development

Component reference

Module: jha-forms - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Allows the user to toggle a value on and off

jhaCheckboxValstringnullBind this property to a backing value in your controller to set the initial value for the checkbox.
jhaCheckboxValChangeeventThis event fires when the checkbox’s value changes. The new value is returned by the event. Use this event to update the backing value in your controller.
jhaLabelstringnullIf the toggle needs to be labeled, specify its label text with this property.
jhaIsCheckedbooleanfalseBind this property to true to initially check the checkbox.
jhaIsDisabledbooleanfalseSpecifies whether the toggle is disabled.
jhaNamestringnullSpecify the name of the input with this property.
jhaInputIdstringnullTo apply a specific id to the input, use this property. Otherwise an id will be automatically generated, linking it to the label.


Begin by importing the jha-input module into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import { JhaFormsModule } from '@jkhy/responsive-ui-angular/jha-forms';

    imports: [

export class AppModule(){}

Single Checkbox Example

The single checkbox approach is used to set a true/false value for an individual property.

Define a field for the value in the controller, then add a jha-checkbox instance for the field in the HTML. Bind the ngModel property to the checkbox value.


Checkbox HTML
    jhaLabel="Account Active" 

If using FormBuilder, set a jhaCheckboxValue and bind the formControl attribute to a backing property.


FormBuilder Checkbox
    jhaLabel="Account Type" 

Then set up the FormBuilder in your TypeScript:

FormBuilder Checkbox TypeScript
constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {
    this.form ={
        acctType: ['', [Validators.required]]

get acctType() { return this.form.get('acctType'); }

Multiple Checkbox Example

The multiple checkbox approach is used to select one or more options from a list.

Set up an array to iterate over for your checkbox options.

Set up checkbox options
interface AccountType {
    label: string;
    value: string;
    inactive: boolean;


public accountTypeList: AccountType[] = [
    { label: 'Checking', value: 'Checking', inactive: false },
    { label: 'Business Checking', value: 'Business-Checking', inactive: false },
    { label: 'Student Checking', value: 'Student-Checking', inactive: false },
    { label: 'Savings', value: 'Savings', inactive: false },
    { label: 'Money Market', value: 'Money-Market', inactive: false },
    { label: 'CD', value: 'CD', inactive: true },
    { label: 'IRA', value: 'IRA', inactive: false }

Add a jha-checkbox, iterating through the array setting the jhaLabel, jhaCheckboxVal, jhaIsChecked and jhaIsDisabled statuses, and set the jhaCheckboxValChange event to a backing function to handle the value change.

Checkbox HTML for multiple options
    *ngFor="let accountType of accountTypeList"

Back in the TypeScript, create the model value, and set up functions to handle jhaCheckboxValChange and determine jhaIsChecked.

Update model and determine checked status
public selectedAcctTypes: string[] = ['Checking','Savings'];

public accountTypeValChange(e: any) {
    const index = this.jhaNgValue.findIndex(x => x === e);

    if (this.selectedAcctTypes.indexOf(e) === -1) {
    } else {
        this.selectedAcctTypes.splice(index, 1);

public accountTypeCheckVal(e: any) {
    if (this.selectedAcctTypes.includes(e)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

If you’re using FormBuilder, send the $event and the element into the jhaCheckboxValChange bound method:

Checkbox HTML for multiple options
<jha-checkbox #jhaCheck
    *ngFor="let accountType of accountTypeList"
    (jhaCheckboxValChange)="accountTypeValChange(event, jhaCheck)"

Then use the function to update the FormArray value:

Update FormBuilder control with selection
public accountTypeValChange(e: any, el: any) {
    const selectedAcctTypes: FormArray = this.form.get('selectedAcctTypes') as FormArray;

    if (e) {
        selectedAcctTypes.push(new FormControl(e));
    } else {
        const index = selectedAcctTypes.controls.findIndex(x => x.value === el.origValue);

public accountTypeCheckVal(e: any) {
    const currentVal = this.form.get('selectedAcctTypes').value;

    if (currentVal.includes(e.jhaCheckboxVal)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

Component playground


Figma design

Figma design info
You can find this component in the Components - Forms page in the Figma UI Kit.
Dev ComponentDesign Component Name
CheckboxRUI / Forms / Checkbox

Adobe XD design

Adobe XD design info
You can find this component in these artboards in the Adobe XD design samples:
  • Sample App - Editing Form Data
Dev ComponentDesign Component Name
Checkbox - checkedJHA / Forms / Checkbox / Checked
Checkbox - uncheckedJHA / Forms / Checkbox / Unchecked

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Last updated Thu Oct 12 2023