Responsive UI - v9.1

Grid Button

Components > User Interaction > Grid Button
Use this component to...
Display a small non-bordered button within a responsive table or data grid cell


If you need to include one or more buttons in a responsive table or grid cell, use one of the following button components. These components have minimal, lightweight formatting that fits well into a grid cell. These buttons display only an icon, with no text.

Use the simple grid button if you need to display up to 3 buttons in a grid cell. The grid button action must be easily recognized and understood when using one of our enterprise icons.

The grid button provides access to a single simple action within a grid cell.
Grid button example

Use the grid “more” button to roll up options in a dropdown that displays when the user presses the button. This button displays the Ellipsis ("…") icon. Use this component when you need to display more than around 3 buttons in a grid cell, or if there isn’t an easily recognizable enterprise icon to indicate a button’s action.

The grid “more” button provides access to multiple actions in a dropdown, within a grid cell.
Grid more button example
You can use these grid buttons in either the responsive table or the PrimeNg p-table data grid. These buttons are not currently supported in the ag-grid component.

Here are some guidelines for using grid buttons:

  • Do not display grid buttons in the same grid cell as data.
  • If a grid row includes more than one grid button, place them all in the same grid cell.
  • You’ll typically use either the simple grid button or the grid “more” button, but if for any reason you’re using both types of buttons in the same grid row, the grid “more” button should be to the right of all other grid buttons.
  • Never use more than one grid “more” button in the same grid row.
  • Grid buttons should typically display in the rightmost column of a grid row. One exception to this is if the grid row is too wide to fit and horizontal scrolling prevents the user from seeing the button. In this case you can put the cell with grid buttons on the left side of the grid. Note that if your grid includes an expand/collapse button in the leftmost column, any other grid buttons should display in a column somewhere to the right of that.
  • The simple grid button works well for actions that have an easily recognizable icon, such as “Edit” and “Delete”. If the button’s action can’t be readily understood with one of the enterprise icons, then use the grid “more” button and specify the text in the dropdown.
  • If you’re displaying up to about 3 options and have the space for it, you can use multiple simple grid buttons. Otherwise use the grid “more” button.


Web component development

Component reference

Module: rui-buttons - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Performs a simple action triggered from a grid cell.

iconTypestring''The name of the icon to display in the button. You can find a list of all enterprise icons here. The use of custom icons is also supported.
isDisabledbooleanfalseSpecifies whether the button is disabled.
rui-clickeventEvent fired when the user presses the button.
Module: rui-buttons - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Displays a dropdown menu with options when pressed, triggered from a grid cell.

alignmentstring'left'One of “left” or “right”. Describes which button edge the menu aligns to. Use a value of “right” if the button is towards the far right edge of the grid and the dropdown menu is getting clipped on the right.
isDisabledbooleanfalseSpecifies whether the button is disabled.
Module: rui-buttons - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Option in dropdown menu

textstring''Text displayed in the dropdown option
isDisabledbooleanfalseSpecifies whether the dropdown option is disabled.
rui-menu-option-clickeventEvent fired when the user presses the dropdown option.
routestring''If the dropdown option links to a view within the app, this specifies the route for that view. You must prefix the route with “/#” in Angular applications.
Module: rui-buttons - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Templated option in dropdown menu

isDisabledbooleanfalseSpecifies whether the dropdown option is disabled.
rui-menu-option-clickeventEvent fired when the user presses the dropdown option.
routestring''If the dropdown option links to a view within the app, this specifies the route for that view. You must prefix the route with “/#” in Angular applications.
Module: rui-buttons - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Separator between groups of options in dropdown menu

No properties or events


You can use these grid buttons in either the PrimeNg p-table grid or the responsive table. These buttons are not currently supported in the ag-grid component.

Begin by importing the rui-buttons module into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import '@jkhy/responsive-ui-wc/components/rui-buttons/rui-buttons-imports';

Add a new column to the grid header for the button cell. The grid buttons will be centered in their cell, so you should center the header title as well so it lines up nicely with the grid buttons.

Column header for button cell
<th class="rui-responsive-cell-center">

Add a new column to each grid row to contain the grid button(s). Add the rui-grid-button-container CSS class to the grid cell’s element; this is important in order for the grid buttons to display properly.

Cell for button
<td class="rui-grid-button-container">

For simple grid buttons, add a rui-grid-button element to the cell. Specify its iconType and the action to perform when clicked. It can also be helpful to specify a tooltip for the button with the title property, since the button doesn’t display text.

Grid button
<td class="rui-grid-button-container">

    <rui-grid-button iconType="edit" title="Edit this item" (rui-click)="editItem()">


For grid “more” buttons, nest instances of rui-button-menu-option within a rui-grid-more-button in the cell. Set alignment to a value of 'right' if the button appears at the right side of the grid; this aligns the dropdown menu to the right edge of the button. (Leave this property at its default value of 'left' otherwise.) It can also be helpful to specify a tooltip for the button with the title property, since the button doesn’t display text.

Grid 'more' button
<td class="rui-grid-button-container">

    <rui-grid-more-button alignment="Right" title="Options for this item">
        <rui-button-menu-option text="Edit" (rui-click)="editItem()"></rui-button-menu-option>
        <rui-button-menu-option text="Archive" (rui-click)="archiveItem()"></rui-button-menu-option>
        <rui-button-menu-option text="Delete" (rui-click)="deleteItem()"></rui-button-menu-option>


Use the rui-button-menu-separator component if you need to separate options in the grid button’s dropdown menu into groups.

Menu separator
<td class="rui-grid-button-container">

    <rui-grid-more-button alignment="Right" title="Options for this item">
        <rui-button-menu-option text="Edit" (rui-click)="editItem()"></rui-button-menu-option>
        <rui-button-menu-option text="Archive" (rui-click)="archiveItem()"></rui-button-menu-option>
        <rui-button-menu-option text="Delete" (rui-click)="deleteItem()"></rui-button-menu-option>


Displaying templated options in the grid ‘more’ button dropdown menu

In some (rare) cases you may need to display a template with multiple data in each dropdown option for a grid “more” button. Nest instances of rui-button-menu-template within rui-grid-more-button for this case. Embed the template for each option within the rui-button-menu-template element. Flexbox CSS can be a handy way to provide layout for these templates. You can also use text formatting CSS classes to highlight certain segments of the template.

Don't mix simple menu options with templated menu options in the same dropdown menu
Use either rui-button-menu-option or rui-button-menu-template, but not both in the same menu.
HTML for templated options
<td class="rui-grid-button-container">

    <rui-grid-more-button text="Grid 'More' Button with Templated Options">

        <rui-button-menu-template *ngFor="let account of accounts" (rui-click)="accountClick(account)">
            <div class="template-options">
                <div class="button-template-name">{{}}</div>
                <div class="button-template-account-number rui-bright-text-label">{{account.number}}</div>
                <div class="button-template-account-desc">{{account.description}}</div>


CSS for templated options
.template-options {
    display: flex;
    flex-flow: row nowrap;
    width: 450px;

.button-template-name {
    width: 35%;

.button-template-account-number {
    width: 20%;

.button-template-account-desc {
    width: 45%;

Angular wrapper development

Wrapper reference

Module: JhaButtonsModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Performs a simple action triggered from a grid cell.

jhaIconTypestring''The name of the icon to display in the button. You can find a list of all enterprise icons here. The use of custom icons is also supported.
jhaTooltipstring''Tooltip displayed when the mouse hovers over the button
jhaIsDisabledbooleanfalseSpecifies whether the button is disabled.
jhaClickeventEvent fired when the user presses the button.
jhaRouterLinkstring''If the button links to a view within the app, this specifies the route for that view.
jhaExternalUrlstring''If the button links to a URL outside of the app, this specifies the URL.
jhaExternalUrlInNewWindowbooleantrueIf the button links to a URL outside of the app, leave this at its default value of true if that link should open in a new tab/window, otherwise bind this to false.
Module: JhaButtonsModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Displays a dropdown menu with options when pressed, triggered from a grid cell.

jhaTooltipstring''Tooltip displayed when the mouse hovers over the button
jhaAlignmentstring'Left'One of “Left” or “Right”. Describes which button edge the menu aligns to. Use a value of “Right” if the button is towards the far right edge of the grid and the dropdown menu is getting clipped on the right.
jhaIsDisabledbooleanfalseSpecifies whether the button is disabled.
Module: JhaButtonsModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Option in dropdown menu

jhaTextstring''Text displayed in the dropdown option
jhaTooltipstring''Tooltip displayed when the mouse hovers over the dropdown option
jhaIsDisabledbooleanfalseSpecifies whether the dropdown option is disabled.
jhaClickeventIf the dropdown option executes code, define a jhaClick event handler for it. IMPORTANT: Note that the event is jhaClick and not click.
jhaRouterLinkstring''If the dropdown option links to a view within the app, this specifies the route for that view.
jhaExternalUrlstring''If the dropdown option links to a URL outside of the app, this specifies the URL.
jhaExternalUrlInNewWindowbooleantrueIf the dropdown option links to a URL outside of the app, leave this at its default value of true if that link should open in a new tab/window, otherwise bind this to false.
Module: JhaButtonsModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Templated option in dropdown menu

jhaTooltipstring''Tooltip displayed when the mouse hovers over the dropdown option
jhaIsDisabledbooleanfalseSpecifies whether the dropdown option is disabled.
jhaClickeventIf the dropdown option executes code, define a jhaClick event handler for it. IMPORTANT: Note that the event is jhaClick and not click.
jhaRouterLinkstring''If the dropdown option links to a view within the app, this specifies the route for that view.
jhaExternalUrlstring''If the dropdown option links to a URL outside of the app, this specifies the URL.
jhaExternalUrlInNewWindowbooleantrueIf the dropdown option links to a URL outside of the app, leave this at its default value of true if that link should open in a new tab/window, otherwise bind this to false.
Module: JhaButtonsModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Separator between groups of options in dropdown menu

No properties or events


You can use these grid buttons in either the PrimeNg p-table grid or the responsive table. These buttons are not currently supported in the ag-grid component.

Begin by importing the JhaButtonsModule module into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import { JhaButtonsModule } from '@jkhy/responsive-ui-angular/jha-buttons';

    imports: [

export class AppModule(){}

Add a new column to the grid header for the button cell. The grid buttons will be centered in their cell, so you should center the header title as well so it lines up nicely with the grid buttons.

Column header for button cell
<th class="jha-responsive-cell-center">

Add a new column to each grid row to contain the grid button(s). Add the jha-grid-button-container CSS class to the grid cell’s element; this is important in order for the grid buttons to display properly.

Cell for button
<td class="jha-grid-button-container">

For simple grid buttons, add a jha-grid-button element to the cell. Specify its jhaIconType and the action to perform when clicked. It can also be helpful to specify a tooltip for the button with the jhaTooltip property, since the button doesn’t display text.

Grid button
<td class="jha-grid-button-container">

    <jha-grid-button jhaIconType="Edit" jhaTooltip="Edit this item" (jhaClick)="editItem()">


For grid “more” buttons, nest instances of jha-button-menu-option within a jha-grid-more-button in the cell. Set jhaAlignment to a value of 'Right' if the button appears at the right side of the grid; this aligns the dropdown menu to the right edge of the button. (Leave this property at its default value of 'Left' otherwise.) It can also be helpful to specify a tooltip for the button with the title property, since the button doesn’t display text.

Grid 'more' button
<td class="jha-grid-button-container">

    <jha-grid-more-button jhaAlignment="Right" jhaTooltip="Options for this item">

        <jha-button-menu-option jhaText="Edit" (jhaClick)="editItem()"></jha-button-menu-option>

        <jha-button-menu-option jhaText="Archive" (jhaClick)="archiveItem()"></jha-button-menu-option>

        <jha-button-menu-option jhaText="Delete" (jhaClick)="deleteItem()"></jha-button-menu-option>



Use the jha-button-menu-separator component if you need to separate options in the grid button’s dropdown menu into groups.

Menu separator
<td class="jha-grid-button-container">

    <jha-grid-more-button jhaAlignment="Right" jhaTooltip="Options for this item">

        <jha-button-menu-option jhaText="Edit" (jhaClick)="editItem()"></jha-button-menu-option>

        <jha-button-menu-option jhaText="Archive" (jhaClick)="archiveItem()"></jha-button-menu-option>


        <jha-button-menu-option jhaText="Delete" (jhaClick)="deleteItem()"></jha-button-menu-option>



Displaying templated options in the grid ‘more’ button dropdown menu

In some (rare) cases you may need to display a template with multiple data in each dropdown option for a grid “more” button. Nest instances of jha-button-menu-template within jha-grid-more-button for this case. Embed the template for each option within the jha-button-menu-template element. Flexbox CSS can be a handy way to provide layout for these templates. You can also use text formatting CSS classes to highlight certain segments of the template.

Don't mix simple menu options with templated menu options in the same dropdown menu
Use either jha-button-menu-option or jha-button-menu-template, but not both in the same menu.
HTML for templated options
<td class="jha-grid-button-container">

    <jha-grid-more-button jhaText="Dropdown Button with Templated Options">

        <jha-button-menu-template *ngFor="let account of accounts" (jhaClick)="accountClick(account)">
            <div class="template-options">
                <div class="button-template-name">{{}}</div>
                <div class="button-template-account-number jha-bright-text-label">{{account.number}}</div>
                <div class="button-template-account-desc">{{account.description}}</div>


CSS for templated options
.template-options {
    display: flex;
    flex-flow: row nowrap;
    width: 450px;

.button-template-name {
    width: 35%;

.button-template-account-number {
    width: 20%;

.button-template-account-desc {
    width: 45%;

Component playground


Figma design

Adobe XD design

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Last updated Mon May 1 2023