Responsive UI - v9.1

Inline Notification

Components > User Interaction > Inline Notification
Use this component to...
Notify the user of an event or occurrence, using an element that displays within your content


Notifications are used to inform the user of an event occurring or a special status.

Notifications come in four different types:

  • Success: Indicates a successful or positive action.
  • Information: Indicates a neutral informative change or action.
  • Warning: Indicates a warning that might need attention. Warnings typically do not halt forward progress with the current action.
  • Error: Indicates an error or potentially negative action. Errors often halt forward progress with the current action.

Notifications display in one of 3 formats: inline notifications, popup notifications and banner notifications.

This document describes inline notifications.

Inline notifications are part of the page layout and persist in the page. A notification should be inline if it’s important for the user to see the message.

Inline notifications can optionally display an icon to help underscore the message.

Inline notifications can optionally be closable. Closable inline notifications display an X button at the far right; the notification hides when the user presses this button.

Success inline notification Information inline notification Warning inline notification Error inline notification Closable success inline notification Warning inline notification with no icon Information inline notification with an atypical icon

If you need to communicate a status — Success, Information, Warning, or Error — inline within the view, but don’t have much room in which to display it, consider using a status icon instead.


Web component development

Component reference

Module: rui-notifications - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Notification message that displays inline with the data

typestring'information'Specifies the type of inline notification styling to display. One of “information”, “success”, “error”, or “warning”.
iconTypestring''Optional: The name of the icon to display in the notification. You can find a list of all enterprise icons here. The use of custom icons is also supported. Leave this at its default value of blank to display no icon.

Bind this property to true to allow the user to be able to dismiss the notification. Leave this property at its default value of false if the user should not be able to close the notification.

Error message notifications are typically not closable.

rui-inline-notification-closeeventEvent fired when the use clicks the close button on the notification.
isNotificationDisplayedbooleantrueTypically used as internal property, but can be used if notification is closed and needs to be visible again. If this is your case, bind to false on rui-inline-notification-close event and bind to true when you need to display it again.


Begin by importing the rui-notifications module into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import '@jkhy/responsive-ui-wc/components/rui-notifications/rui-notifications-imports';

Nest the notification content within a rui-inline-notification component.

  • Specify the type of notification with the type property.
  • You can optionally display an icon in the notification with the iconType property.
  • Bind the isClosable property to a value of true to make the notification closable.
Error message notifications are typically not closable.
<rui-inline-notification type="success" iconType="success">
    Success inline notification

<rui-inline-notification type="information" iconType="information">
    Information inline notification

<rui-inline-notification type="warning" iconType="warning">
    Warning inline notification

<rui-inline-notification type="error" iconType="error">
    Error inline notification

<rui-inline-notification type="success" iconType="success" isClosable="true">
    Closable success inline notification

<rui-inline-notification type="warning">
    Warning inline notification with no icon

<rui-inline-notification type="information" iconType="tip">
    Information inline notification with an atypical icon

<rui-inline-notification type="information">
    <svg slot="custom-icon" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 32 32" version="1.1" xmlns="">
        <path d="M0 26.016q0 2.496 1.76 4.224t4.256 1.76 4.224-1.76 1.76-4.224v-2.016h8v2.016q0 2.496 1.792 4.256t4.224 1.728q2.464 0 4.224-1.76t1.76-4.224-1.76-4.256-4.224-1.76h-2.016v-8h2.016q2.464 0 4.224-1.76t1.76-4.224-1.76-4.256-4.224-1.76-4.256 1.76-1.76 4.256q0 0.992 0.384 1.984h-8.736q0.352-1.024 0.352-1.984 0-2.496-1.76-4.256t-4.224-1.76-4.256 1.76-1.76 4.256 1.76 4.224 4.256 1.76h1.984v8h-1.984q-2.528 0-4.256 1.792t-1.76 4.224zM4 26.016q0-0.832 0.576-1.408t1.44-0.608 1.408 0.608 0.576 1.408-0.576 1.408-1.408 0.576-1.44-0.576-0.576-1.408zM4 6.016q0-0.832 0.576-1.408t1.44-0.608 1.408 0.608 0.576 1.408-0.576 1.408-1.408 0.576-1.44-0.576-0.576-1.408zM12 20v-8h8v8h-8zM24 26.016q0-0.832 0.576-1.408t1.44-0.608 1.408 0.608 0.576 1.408-0.576 1.408-1.408 0.576-1.44-0.576-0.576-1.408zM24 6.016q0-0.832 0.576-1.408t1.44-0.608 1.408 0.608 0.576 1.408-0.576 1.408-1.408 0.576-1.44-0.576-0.576-1.408z"></path>
    Information inline notification with a custom icon

Angular wrapper development

Wrapper reference

Module: JhaNotificationsModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Notification message that displays inline with the data

jhaTypestring'Information'Specifies the type of inline notification styling to display. One of “Information”, “Success”, “Error”, or “Warning”.
jhaIconTypestring''Optional: The name of the icon to display in the notification. You can find a list of all enterprise icons here. The use of custom icons is also supported. Leave this at its default value of blank to display no icon.

Bind this property to true to allow the user to be able to dismiss the notification. Leave this property at its default value of false if the user should not be able to close the notification.

Error message notifications are typically not closable.

jhaDisplayNotificationbooleantrueTypically used as internal property, but can be used if notification is closed and needs to be visible again. If this is your case, bind to false on jhaInlineNotificationClose event and bind to true when you need to display it again.
jhaInlineNotificationCloseeventEvent fired when the use clicks the close button on the notification.


Begin by importing the JhaNotificationsModule module into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import { JhaNotificationsModule } from '@jkhy/responsive-ui-angular/jha-notifications';

    imports: [

export class AppModule(){}

Nest the notification content within a jha-inline-notification component.

  • Specify the type of notification with the jhaType property.
  • You can optionally display an icon in the notification with the jhaIconType property.
  • Bind the jhaIsClosable property to a value of true to make the notification closable.
Error message notifications are typically not closable.
<jha-inline-notification jhaType="Success" jhaIconType="success">
    Success inline notification

<jha-inline-notification jhaType="Information" jhaIconType="Information">
    Information inline notification

<jha-inline-notification jhaType="Warning" jhaIconType="Warning">
    Warning inline notification

<jha-inline-notification jhaType="Error" jhaIconType="Error">
    Error inline notification

<jha-inline-notification jhaType="Success" jhaIconType="Success" [jhaIsClosable]="true">
    Closable success inline notification

<jha-inline-notification jhaType="Warning">
    Warning inline notification with no icon

<jha-inline-notification jhaType="Information" jhaIconType="Tip">
    Information inline notification with an atypical icon

<jha-inline-notification jhaType="information">
    <svg slot="custom-icon" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 32 32" version="1.1" xmlns="">
        <path d="M0 26.016q0 2.496 1.76 4.224t4.256 1.76 4.224-1.76 1.76-4.224v-2.016h8v2.016q0 2.496 1.792 4.256t4.224 1.728q2.464 0 4.224-1.76t1.76-4.224-1.76-4.256-4.224-1.76h-2.016v-8h2.016q2.464 0 4.224-1.76t1.76-4.224-1.76-4.256-4.224-1.76-4.256 1.76-1.76 4.256q0 0.992 0.384 1.984h-8.736q0.352-1.024 0.352-1.984 0-2.496-1.76-4.256t-4.224-1.76-4.256 1.76-1.76 4.256 1.76 4.224 4.256 1.76h1.984v8h-1.984q-2.528 0-4.256 1.792t-1.76 4.224zM4 26.016q0-0.832 0.576-1.408t1.44-0.608 1.408 0.608 0.576 1.408-0.576 1.408-1.408 0.576-1.44-0.576-0.576-1.408zM4 6.016q0-0.832 0.576-1.408t1.44-0.608 1.408 0.608 0.576 1.408-0.576 1.408-1.408 0.576-1.44-0.576-0.576-1.408zM12 20v-8h8v8h-8zM24 26.016q0-0.832 0.576-1.408t1.44-0.608 1.408 0.608 0.576 1.408-0.576 1.408-1.408 0.576-1.44-0.576-0.576-1.408zM24 6.016q0-0.832 0.576-1.408t1.44-0.608 1.408 0.608 0.576 1.408-0.576 1.408-1.408 0.576-1.44-0.576-0.576-1.408z"></path>
    Information inline notification with a custom icon

Component playground


Figma design

Figma design info
You can find this component in the Components - Notifications page in the Figma UI Kit.
Dev ComponentDesign Component Name
Inline notification

RUI / Notifications / Inline

Available values for the Type property:

  • Information
  • Success
  • Warning
  • Error

Switch on the “Has Icon” property if you want the inline notification to display an icon at the far left.

Switch on the “Has Close Button” property if you want the inline notification to display a close button.

Inline notifications display at the top of a display block. In rare cases they can display between the function title and the display blocks.

Resize the width of each inline notification to fit the width of its container.

You can optionally hide the icon and/or the close button.

Adobe XD design

Adobe XD design info
You can find this component in these artboards in the Adobe XD design samples:
  • Sample App - Notifications
Dev ComponentDesign Component Name
Inline notification - Success

JHA / Notifications / Inline / Success

  • Select the “No Icon” state in the component if you want to hide the icon.
  • Select the “No Close Button” state in the component if you want to hide the close button.
  • Select the “No Close Button or Icon” state in the component if you want to hide both the icon and the close button.
Inline notification - Information

JHA / Notifications / Inline / Information

  • Select the “No Icon” state in the component if you want to hide the icon.
  • Select the “No Close Button” state in the component if you want to hide the close button.
  • Select the “No Close Button or Icon” state in the component if you want to hide both the icon and the close button.
Inline notification - Warning

JHA / Notifications / Inline / Warning

  • Select the “No Icon” state in the component if you want to hide the icon.
  • Select the “No Close Button” state in the component if you want to hide the close button.
  • Select the “No Close Button or Icon” state in the component if you want to hide both the icon and the close button.
Inline notification - Error

JHA / Notifications / Inline / Error

  • Select the “No Icon” state in the component if you want to hide the icon.
  • Select the “No Close Button” state in the component if you want to hide the close button.
  • Select the “No Close Button or Icon” state in the component if you want to hide both the icon and the close button.

Inline notifications display at the top of a display block. In rare cases they can display between the function title and the display blocks.

Resize the width of each inline notification to fit the width of its container.

You can optionally hide the icon and/or the close button.

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Last updated Fri Mar 29 2024