Responsive UI - v9.1

Password Strength Meter

Components > User Interaction > Password Strength Meter
Use this component to...
Indicate to the user how strong or weak their new password is


If your application allows the user to change their password, the password strength meter component can help you alert the user to the relative strength of their new password.

The password strength meter only displays a relative strength level, it doesn’t actually calculate the strength. That logic is left up to your application to decide.
In this change password view, the user has entered a relatively weak password value. The password strength meter displays a percentage value representing the relative strength, the word “WEAK”, and error styling. All of this helps the user understand that their selected password is weak.
Change password example
In this change password view, the user has entered a relatively strong password value. The password strength meter displays a percentage value representing the relative strength, the word “STRONG”, and success styling. All of this helps the user understand that their selected password is strong.
Change password example


Web component development

Component reference

Module: rui-password-strength-meter - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Displays a progress bar with a themed color background and a description that indicate the relative strength of a new password value entered by the user in a Change Password view

strengthValuenumber0Specify a value between 10 and 100 that indicates the relative strength of a new password value entered by the user, with lower values indicating a weaker password and higher values indicating a stronger password. Use an internal calculation appropriate to your use case to determine the relative strength value.
strengthDescriptionstring'weak'One of “weak”, “medium”, or “strong”. Use an internal calculation appropriate to your use case to determine the relative strength description. The internal progress bar displays a different background color value for each of these three strength descriptions.


Begin by importing the rui-password-strength-meter module into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import '@jkhy/responsive-ui-wc/components/rui-password-strength-meter/rui-password-strength-meter-imports';

Add logic in your TypeScript to calculate a relative password strength level between 10 and 100 based on the new password the user entered, then map that value to a strength description of either “weak”, “medium”, or “strong”.

Password strength calculation
public SetPasswordStrength() {
    this.passwordStrengthValue = 100;

    // Determine password strength
    if (this.newPassword.errors) {
        if (this.newPassword.errors.passwordTooShort) {
            this.passwordStrengthValue = this.passwordStrengthValue - 25;
        if (this.newPassword.errors.passwordNoUppercase) {
            this.passwordStrengthValue = this.passwordStrengthValue - 25;
        if (this.newPassword.errors.passwordNoLowercase) {
            this.passwordStrengthValue = this.passwordStrengthValue - 25;
        if (this.newPassword.errors.passwordNoSymbol) {
            this.passwordStrengthValue = this.passwordStrengthValue - 25;

    // Update password strength description based on latest value
    if (this.passwordStrengthValue > 0 && this.passwordStrengthValue <= 33) {
        this.passwordStrengthDescription = 'weak';
    } else if (this.passwordStrengthValue >= 34 && this.passwordStrengthValue <= 67) {
        this.passwordStrengthDescription = 'medium';
    } else if (this.passwordStrengthValue >= 67) {
        this.passwordStrengthDescription = 'strong';

Add a rui-password-strength-meter element to your HTML between the password input and any field-level validation errors for that input. Bind the strengthValue and strengthDescription properties to the appropriate backing values in your TypeScript.

Password strength meter HTML
<rui-password-strength-meter *ngIf="passwordStrengthValue >= 10"
    [strengthValue]="passwordStrengthValue [strengthDescription]="passwordStrengthDescription">

Angular wrapper development

Wrapper reference

Module: JhaPasswordStrengthMeterModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Displays a progress bar with a themed color background and a description that indicate the relative strength of a new password value entered by the user in a Change Password view

jhaStrengthValuenumber0Specify a value between 10 and 100 that indicates the relative strength of a new password value entered by the user, with lower values indicating a weaker password and higher values indicating a stronger password. Use an internal calculation appropriate to your use case to determine the relative strength value.
jhaStrengthDescriptionstring'Weak'One of “Weak”, “Medium”, or “Strong”. Use an internal calculation appropriate to your use case to determine the relative strength description. The internal progress bar displays a different background color value for each of these three strength descriptions.


Begin by importing the JhaPasswordStrengthMeterModule module into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import { JhaPasswordStrengthMeterModule } from '@jkhy/responsive-ui-angular/jha-password-strength-meter';

    imports: [

export class AppModule(){}

Add logic in your TypeScript to calculate a relative password strength level between 10 and 100 based on the new password the user entered, then map that value to a strength description of either “Weak”, “Medium”, or “Strong”.

Password strength calculation
public SetPasswordStrength() {
    this.passwordStrengthValue = 100;

    // Determine password strength
    if (this.newPassword.errors) {
        if (this.newPassword.errors.passwordTooShort) {
            this.passwordStrengthValue = this.passwordStrengthValue - 25;
        if (this.newPassword.errors.passwordNoUppercase) {
            this.passwordStrengthValue = this.passwordStrengthValue - 25;
        if (this.newPassword.errors.passwordNoLowercase) {
            this.passwordStrengthValue = this.passwordStrengthValue - 25;
        if (this.newPassword.errors.passwordNoSymbol) {
            this.passwordStrengthValue = this.passwordStrengthValue - 25;

    // Update password strength description based on latest value
    if (this.passwordStrengthValue > 0 && this.passwordStrengthValue <= 33) {
        this.passwordStrengthDescription = 'Weak';
    } else if (this.passwordStrengthValue >= 34 && this.passwordStrengthValue <= 67) {
        this.passwordStrengthDescription = 'Medium';
    } else if (this.passwordStrengthValue >= 67) {
        this.passwordStrengthDescription = 'Strong';

Add a jha-password-strength-meter element to your HTML between the New Password input and any field-level validation errors for that input. Bind the jhaStrengthValue and jhaStrengthDescription properties to the appropriate backing values in your TypeScript.

Password strength meter HTML
<jha-password-strength-meter *ngIf="passwordStrengthValue >= 10"
    [jhaStrengthValue]="passwordStrengthValue [jhaStrengthDescription]="passwordStrengthDescription">

Component playground


There are no specific design elements for the password strength meter.

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Last updated Fri Jul 28 2023