Responsive UI - v9.1


Components > User Interaction > Tag
Use this component to...
Display search filter or metadata criteria, optionally allowing the user to click or remove them


Use the tag component to display one or more values that provide additional context for an activity.

Responsive UI supports two use cases for tags: displaying metadata and displaying search filters.

Metadata tags

The first use case is displaying a list of metadata values for an element. Let’s say I publish a blog post and want to add metadata tags to my post to help categorize it. I could add values like “javascript”, “web components”, and “security”, and anyone reading this post would have a better idea of the topics it covers.

A simple list of metadata tags

These metadata tags may or may not be clickable. In the blog post example, it might be helpful to allow the user to click one of the metadata tags to, say, find all blog posts on that topic.

A list of clickable metadata tags

Search filter tags

The second use case is displaying a list of search filter tags. Let’s say I’m performing a complex search based on multiple search filters. If the search view displays each search filter as a clickable, closable tag, I can simply click any of the search filter tags to remove it and widen my search results.

List of search filter tags (tag removal functionality has been removed in this example)

The list of search filter tags can also optionally include a “CLEAR ALL” option, allowing me to quickly remove all filters from the search.

List of search filter tags that includes a “CLEAR ALL” option (tag removal functionality has been removed in this example)

You should display search filter tags above the search results since they help control which data displays.

You should typically hide search filter tags on mobile devices. They can take up a lot of room at smaller screen widths, and since they are a secondary level of control (the primary being the search inputs), they should be hidden in this case.


Web component development

Component reference

Module: rui-buttons - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Displays a list of metadata or search filter tags

textstring''Text displayed in tag
isClickablebooleanfalseSpecifies whether the user can click the tag
isClosablebooleanfalseSpecifies whether the user can close the tag
rui-clickeventEvent fired when the user clicks the tag


Begin by importing the rui-buttons module into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import '@jkhy/responsive-ui-wc/components/rui-buttons/rui-buttons-imports';

Let’s start by defining two different string arrays in the view’s TypeScript: one with a list of metadata tags and another with a list of search filter tags.

Define backing arrays
public metadataTagList: string[] = ['javascript', 'angular', 'typescript', 'html5-canvas'];
public searchFilterTagList: string[] = ['Name starts with F', 'Location is Monett', 'Department is Tech Services - EA'];

Metadata Tags

Now let’s create an example of a simple, non-clickable tag list that displays metadata tags. We add an rui-tag-button for each tag in the list. Tags are non-clickable by default.

Non-clickable metadata tags
<rui-tag-button *ngFor="let tag of metadataTagList" [text]="tag"></rui-tag-button>

Now let’s create an example of a clickable tag list that displays metadata tags. This is the same as the previous example, except we include isClickable=“true” and specify an event handler for the rui-click event.

Clickable metadata tags
<rui-tag-button *ngFor="let tag of metadataTagList" [text]="tag" isClickable="true" (rui-click)="tagClicked($event)"></rui-tag-button>

Search Filter Tags

Now let’s create an example of a list of search filter tags. The user can click each tag button to remove it from the list. This is similar to the previous example, except we include isClosable=“true”.

Search filter tags
<rui-tag-button *ngFor="let tag of searchFilterTagList" [text]="tag" isClosable="true"
    isClickable="true" (rui-click)="removeSearchFilterTag($event)">

And last, let’s create an example of a list of search filter tags that includes a “CLEAR ALL” option. This allows the user to clear the entire list at once. The implementation is the same as the previous example, although we include an extra tag with the text “CLEAR ALL” that clears the list of tags when clicked.

Search filter tags with a CLEAR ALL option
<rui-tag-button *ngFor="let tag of searchFilterTagList" [text]="tag" isClosable="true"
    isClickable="true" (rui-click)="removeSearchFilterClearAllTag($event)">

<rui-tag-button *ngIf="searchFilterClearAllTags.length > 0" text="CLEAR ALL"
    isClickable="true" (rui-click)="clearAllSearchFilterTags($event)">

Angular wrapper development

Wrapper reference

Module: JhaButtonsModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Displays a list of metadata or search filter tags

jhaTextstring''Text displayed in tag
jhaIsClickablebooleanfalseSpecifies whether the user can click the tag
jhaIsClosablebooleanfalseSpecifies whether the user can close the tag
jhaClickeventEvent fired when the user clicks the tag
Module: JhaButtonsModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Adds a close button to closable tags

No properties or events


Begin by importing the JhaButtonsModule into your application.

Import the modules
/ import into your app.module
import { JhaButtonsModule } from '@jkhy/responsive-ui-angular/jha-buttons';

    imports: [

export class AppModule(){}

Let’s start by defining two different string arrays in the view’s TypeScript: one with a list of metadata tags and another with a list of search filter tags.

Define backing arrays
public metadataTagList: string[] = ['javascript', 'angular', 'typescript', 'html5-canvas'];
public searchFilterTagList: string[] = ['Name starts with F', 'Location is Monett', 'Department is Tech Services - EA'];

Metadata Tags

Now let’s create an example of a simple, non-clickable tag list that displays metadata tags. We add a jha-tag-button for each tag in the list. Tags are non-clickable by default.

Non-clickable metadata tags
<jha-tag-button *ngFor="let tag of metadataTagList" [jhaText]="tag"></jha-tag-button>

Now let’s create an example of a clickable tag list that displays metadata tags. This is the same as the previous example, except we include [jhaIsClickable]=“true” and specify an event handler for the jhaClick event.

Clickable metadata tags
<jha-tag-button *ngFor="let tag of metadataTagList" [jhaText]="tag" [jhaIsClickable]="true" (jhaClick)="tagClicked($event)"></jha-tag-button>

Search Filter Tags

Now let’s create an example of a list of search filter tags. The user can click each tag button to remove it from the list. This is similar to the previous example, except we include [jhaIsClosable]=“true”.

Search filter tags
<jha-tag-button *ngFor="let tag of searchFilterTagList" [jhaText]="tag" [jhaIsClosable]="true"
    [jhaIsClickable]="true" (jhaClick)="removeSearchFilterTag($event)">

And last, let’s create an example of a list of search filter tags that includes a “CLEAR ALL” option. This allows the user to clear the entire list at once. The implementation is the same as the previous example, although we include an extra tag with the text “CLEAR ALL” that clears the list of tags when clicked.

Search filter tags with a CLEAR ALL option
<jha-tag-button *ngFor="let tag of searchFilterTagList" [jhaText]="tag" [jhaIsClosable]="true"
    [jhaIsClickable]="true" (jhaClick)="removeSearchFilterClearAllTag($event)">

<jha-tag-button *ngIf="searchFilterClearAllTags.length > 0" jhaText="CLEAR ALL"
    [jhaIsClickable]="true" (jhaClick)="clearAllSearchFilterTags($event)">


Figma design

Figma design info
You can find this component in the Components - Tags page in the Figma UI Kit.
Dev ComponentDesign Component Name

RUI / Tag

Available values for the Interactivity property:

  • Closable
  • Clickable
  • Non-Clickable

Metadata tags are either clickable or non-clickable.

Search filter tags are closable. You can optionally add a clickable “CLEAR” tag to the right of all closable search filter tags if you want the user to be able to clear all the search filters at once.

Tags design sample

Adobe XD design

Adobe XD design info
You can find this component in these artboards in the Adobe XD design samples:
  • Sample App - Tags
Dev ComponentDesign Component Name
Tag - non-clickableJHA / Tags / Tag / Non-Clickable
Tag - clickableJHA / Tags / Tag / Clickable
Tag - closableJHA / Tags / Tag / Closable

Metadata tags are either clickable or non-clickable.

Search filter tags are closable. You can optionally add a clickable “CLEAR” tag to the right of all closable search filter tags if you want the user to be able to clear all the search filters at once.

Tags design sample

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Last updated Tue Nov 7 2023