Responsive UI - v9.1

Toggle Button

Components > User Interaction > Toggle Button
Use this component to...
Toggle a boolean value on and off


Toggle buttons allow the user to quickly toggle a boolean state on or off in a toolbar. Examples might include turning a formatting option like Bold or Italic on/off or showing/hiding a subset of data.

Use a toggle button for toggling a boolean value from a toolbar. Use a checkbox for toggling a boolean value in a form.

Toggle buttons: The Bold button is initially “on”, while the Italic and Underline buttons are “off”


Web component development

Component reference

Module: rui-buttons - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-wc

Toggles a boolean value when pressed

valuebooleanfalseBind this to a boolean value in your controller to specify the initial true/false value for the toggle button.
rui-value-changeeventEvent fired when the toggle button changes its value. The new value is passed as the event detail.
buttonSizestring'medium'One of “medium” or “small”. You’ll typically use the default value of “medium”, although you can use the “small” size for buttons in a toolbar if you’re looking for more compactness.
isDisabledbooleanfalseSpecifies whether the button is disabled.


Begin by importing the rui-buttons module into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import '@jkhy/responsive-ui-wc/components/rui-buttons/rui-buttons-imports';

Use rui-toggle-button to allow the user to quickly toggle an internal state off or on using a toolbar button. Bind value to a boolean backing value in your controller that tracks the internal state. Add a rui-value-change event handler to update the backing value when the state changes internally within the component. Place the button content within the open and close tags for the component.

Toggle button example
<rui-toggle-button [value]="isBold" (rui-value-change)="isBold = $event.detail">
    <rui-icon iconType="text-bold"></rui-icon>
Use rui-toggle-button for toggling a value from a toolbar. Use the rui-toggle component for toggling a value in a form.

Angular wrapper development

Wrapper reference

Module: JhaButtonsModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Toggles a boolean value when pressed

jhaValuebooleanfalseUse two-way binding to bind this to a boolean value in your TypeScript that tracks a particular internal state. You must use two-way binding because this value can be changed both within the toggle button and within your TypeScript, so the two must be kept in sync.
jhaValueChangeeventEvent fired when the toggle button changes its value. You’ll often use *ngIf to update parts of your app when the toggled boolean value changes, but if you also need to perform other programmatic actions, use this event to do so whenever this value changes.
jhaButtonSizestring'Medium'One of “Medium” or “Small”. You’ll typically use the default value of “Medium”, although you can use the “Small” size for buttons in a toolbar if you’re looking for more compactness.
jhaTooltipstring''Tooltip displayed when the mouse hovers over the button
jhaIsDisabledbooleanfalseSpecifies whether the button is disabled.
Module: JhaResponsiveCoreModule - Package: @jkhy/responsive-ui-angular

Directive to prevent double click.

See jhaThrottleClick for details.


Begin by importing the JhaButtonsModule module into your application.

Import the module
// import into app.module
import { JhaButtonsModule } from '@jkhy/responsive-ui-angular/jha-buttons';

    imports: [

export class AppModule(){}

Use jha-toggle-button to allow the user to quickly toggle an internal state off or on using a toolbar button. Bind jhaValue to a boolean backing value in your controller that tracks the internal state. Add a jhaValueChanged event handler to update the backing value when the state changes internally within the component. Place the button content within the open and close tags for the component.

Toggle button example
<jha-toggle-button [(jhaValue)]="isBold">
    <jha-icon jhaIconType="TextBold"></jha-icon>
Use jha-toggle-button for toggling a value from a toolbar. Use the jha-toggle component for toggling a value in a form.

Component playground


Figma design

Figma design info
You can find this component in the Components - Buttons page in the Figma UI Kit.
Dev ComponentDesign Component Name
Toggle button

RUI / Buttons / Toggle Button

  • Switch on the Toggled property if the toggle button is on.
  • Switch on the IconOnly property if the toggle button only displays an icon.

Adobe XD design

Adobe XD design info
You can find this component in these artboards in the Adobe XD design samples:
  • Sample App - Buttons
Dev ComponentDesign Component Name
Toggle text button - onJHA / Buttons / Toggle Text Button / On
Toggle text button - offJHA / Buttons / Toggle Text Button / Off
Toggle icon button - onJHA / Buttons / Toggle Icon Button / On
Toggle icon button - offJHA / Buttons / Toggle Icon Button / Off

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Last updated Tue Jun 6 2023