Current Release

- Angular components: You must follow this set of one-time upgrade instructions if you’ve been importing the
package until now. - Web components: You must follow this set of one-time upgrade instructions if you’ve been importing the
package until now.
Prerequisites for loading the 8+ release
Release notes
Updated rui-tooltip CSS to allow visibility of tooltip outside of parent container.
Updated CSS for rui/jha-dropdown-button, rui/jha-split-button, rui/jha-popup-button and rui/jha-grid-more-button to overflow display blocks and function view when in fixed layout.
Updated CSS for rui/jha-header/nav-mega-menu to allow for scrolling when menu is larger than viewable area.
Updated CSS for rui/jha-header-dropdown to allow for scrolling when menu is larger than viewable area.
Added max-height to rui/jha-dialog-box to resolve issue of tall dialog boxes going off screen and being unusable on smaller windows.
Added bannerButtonsArray property to rui-banner-notification to allow addition of custom buttons within banner notification.
Updated function view logic to make title/subtitle in rui/jha-function-view optional. If no titleText, subtitleText or function view toolbar right is provided, the header section will not be output to the page.
Added overflow navigation buttons for rui/jha-tabset if tab headers width is wider than the available width.
Added showTabById method for rui/jha-tabset.
Rewrote rui/jha-tabset logic to handle dynamic addition/deletion of rui/jha-tab and handle refresh of view correctly.
Added labelTooltip/jhaLabelTooltip attribute to rui/jha-tab components to populate title attribute of tab button listed in header.
Added rui-inline-notification-close/jhaInlineNotificationClose event to rui/jha-inline-notification components so app can listen for when user clicks close button.
Added support for PrimeNG p-autocomplete component.
Added refreshList method for jha/rui-master-list to redraw list with active item correctly if data is refreshed.
Updated logic/CSS within rui-form-field to resolve input border-radius when input prefix/suffix is bound and not rendered as an attribute.
Updated logic/CSS within rui-form-field to resolve border color issue when in error state.
Updated CSS of third-party PrimeNG p-dropdown to show items in dropdown menu that are focused as highlighted.
Updated CSS of rui-form-field to remove margin when used in a rui/jha-toolbar.
Added –rui-popup-menu-padding CSS var to allow update of dropdown menu padding in rui/jha-popup-button.
Updated look of rui/jha-button-group and rui/jha-button-group-option components.
Corrected error states of rui/jha-button-group component.
Updated style on responsive table to account for active/hover states on rui/jha-sort-button.
Updated CSS of rui-tab to stretch full height when rui-tabset has isFullHeight set to true.
Updated CSS of rui/jha-floating-toolbar to have correct width, allowing styling of contents by products.
Updated logic to show/hide jha/rui-floating-toolbar in fixed layout pages once window width is below breakpoint and content has stacked.
Added rui-floating-toolbar-is-visible/jhaFloatingToolbarIsVisible events to rui/jha-floating-toolbar which will return true or false depending on whether the floating toolbar is visible.
Updated CSS of rui/jha-header-button to vertically align with other header elements.
Removed unused JhaPubSubService and JhaPubSubMessage from jha-dynamic-component-loader service.
Previous releases
You can find a list of archives of this documentation site for previous releases here.
Note that:
- Enhancements are only added to the next upcoming release that we’re working towards. Enhancements will not be added to previous releases.
- Bug fixes will be provided for previous releases that were published up to one year prior to the date of the bug report.
- After that you’ll need to move to a more current release.
- For now, all prior releases will remain available for installation from the npm server and will not be removed.
- We’ll keep archived copies of the Responsive UI site available for the last three calendar years.