Responsive UI - v9.1


Faceless woman drawing sketches in studio - Photo by Anete Lusina:
Create high-fidelity design prototypes to share with your product team and stakeholders as you prepare to build new features.

Responsive UI supports the creation of high-fidelity design prototypes that can be shared with your product team and stakeholders as you prepare to build new applications or build new features in existing applications. These designs help your team visualize how this functionality will look and feel within your application.

These designs can:

  • Help your developers understand how to build functionality more quickly and accurately
  • Help other stakeholders like QA, Documentation, and potentially even customer stakeholders better understand how your product works
  • Provide a starting point when your team discusses making new changes to the product

Responsive UI provides you with a Figma-based UI kit and design samples to help you design your application in advance of development.

Figma UI kit

Your team must purchase a license for Figma for every person on your team who will be editing design documents. Open a help desk request to purchase this license.

You get to decide which level of interactivity to include in your product designs:

  • At a minimum, you can create static designs that show what a UI view will look like, then share those with your team as you collaborate on the design. This collaboration allows others to see your designs and comment on them.
  • You can take this a step further and wire up button interactions in the design prototype that navigate the viewer from one artboard to another, mimicking the navigation in your application. This is optional but can help your team understand the flow from screen to screen.
  • You can take this even further by wiring up micro-interactions in the design prototype that show how sections of the UI change as the user interacts with elements in the view. Examples include clicking on tab headers, expanding and collapsing dropdowns, etc. This is optional and may be beyond the scope of many designs, but it can help your team more easily understand these interactions.
High-fidelity design created in Figma
High-fidelity design created in Figma
Responsive UI view developed from this design
Responsive UI view developed from this design
Figma vs Adobe XD

Responsive UI originally supported Adobe XD, but we’ve since switched to the Figma design tool. Figma’s architecture does a better job of supporting a design system like Responsive UI than XD. We’ve also found Figma to be a powerful design tool, and is easier to use than XD.

However, if you’re using the Adobe XD UI kit, you can continue to do so, although we are no longer updating the Adobe XD UI kit.

We’ll keep documentation on hand for both design tools, although we will eventually drop support for Adobe XD.

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Last updated Tue May 9 2023